The Finish Line / Media Parents Post Spectacular
We recently sponsored an event for our friends at Media Parents and just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who came a long as well as the wonderful team at Media Parents who made it all happen.
We also received this amazing message from October Films Exec Producer Mandy Thomson who couldn’t make it with apologies and this note about us!
For anyone who is interested, I worked with The Finish Line personally on our Jodie Marsh series and they are brilliant. I’d have no hesitation in recommending them. The PM liked their invoices, the SP and I enjoyed the flexibility of an online in our office and our broadcaster, TLC, thought the end product looked and sounded great. A winner all round. They also looked after Walking The Nile and Himalayas for October Films.
Mandy your all expenses paid trip to Hawaii is in the post… JOKES!
Here are a few pics from the night of drinking and chatting at the lovely Hospital Club.